Joyce Lanxin Zhao has a BFA in Film & TV from New York University. After graduation, she returns to Shanghai, China, and started working as a director, editor, and animator. She is especially interested in people’s expressions of themselves, and the connections built and existed between different individuals, thus decided to dedicate herself into documenting and exhibiting the stories of a wide variety of people through her sensitivity in observation and communication.

Her independently created animated short film “Scent of Orchids” was screened and awarded at London International Short Film Festival (2018) and Asian Pacific Filmmakers Award (2019). In addition, she worked as an animator for short film “Mizuko”, which premiered at International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (2019), and got into internationally renowned film festivals such as Atlanta Film Festival (2020), SXSW Film Festival (2020), Woodstock Film Festival (2020), etc.
